If you’d like to receive notifications about your clients’ reminders, SMS replies, confirmations, etc, you can update this in your Reminder settings.
To update your information to receive Notifications, please do the following:
Go to Settings > Reminders.
Scroll down the page to the “Confirm, Reschedule, and Cancel” schedule section.
Mark the checkbox for the setting, “Add confirm instructions to reminders.”
Select “Text me”, “Email me”, or “Use default”. Selecting “Use default” will use the setting in the Notifications section below. *If you select “Use Default” then skip steps 5 and 6. Go to Step 7.
Enter your new mobile number or email address in the provided text field. (Only one mobile number can be entered in the provided field. For email notifications, remember to add one email address per line in the provided box.)
Repeat steps 3 – 5 for the settings, “Add reschedule instructions to reminders.” and “Add cancel instructions to reminders.”
Go to the Notifications section further down the page.
For the setting, “How should we send you confirm/reschedule/cancel notices and customer SMS replies?”, select “Text me” or “Email me”.
Enter your mobile number or email address in the provided text box.
If you are also using the “Remind Yourself Too?”, select “Yes, text me” or “Yes, email me”.
Select how many hours or days before every scheduled appointment you would like to be notified.
Update your mobile number or email address in the provided text fields. *Two mobile numbers can be entered in this section.
Click the Save button to keep all changes.